Readings: Antifungal Properties of Essentials Oils

April 27, 2014 § Leave a comment

This isn’t me doing science, as I am not a scientist.  At least, not this kind of scientist. I can, however, read research and data, and I am very curious about scientific research versus folk knowledge. I have a lot of respect for folk knowledge, but many people saying an oil cures cancers or herpes doesn’t mean it is so. Sometime a good double blind study is in order.
I am interested in safer biological fungicides for use in a variety of balms and creams, notable those used on feet. Socks in work boots create a warm wet environment highly conducive to fungal growth. I think you know what I mean, so I won’t go into great detail. While fungus is indeed natural, and the source of my blog name, fungus growth often occurs because we humans are so good at isolating heat and moisture. Ironically, the ability to seal a vessel, building, garment, or footwear contributes to the likelihood it will grow some nice molds. « Read the rest of this entry »

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