Ingredients List: Rose Otto

April 6, 2014 § Leave a comment

Turkish Rose

Turkish winter rose, Cappadocia. Jenn Laing 2012.

I’ve always had a thing for wild roses. I was born in June and was told very early on that they were my flower. I took that to heart and made them so. As a child, I would eat handfuls of petal to absorb their lovely powers. Still today, I find it hard not to nibble or pluck a few when wild roses are plentiful.

Rose otto smells exactly like pink, red and wild roses taste. Green, sharp, Clear, bright, and crisply floral. There is little honey or creme: this is a champagne sweetness. There is also nothing powdery or pollinate about most Turkish Rose otto, just brightness and the taste of flowers.

Blending notes: green, pink, and bright. Low to medium endurance. Low sweetness. Drys down to an almost resinous glowing spice rose.

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